Host Sites
Serving as a Host Site for the Peace Light allows others to pick up the flame at a time that's convenient for you both.
How to become a Host Site
Hosting the Peace Light is a very simple process. You're simply making it available for others to pick up within your specified days and times.
First, determine a location that's protected yet relatively easily accessible; perhaps on a counter in a lobby, on a table outside someone's office, or on a protected porch.
Next, designate a person or people to maintain the flame, especially overnight or on the weekends. They may want to take it home or light a long-burning candle or pilot light that you're confident will last the time period you need.
Determine the days and times you'll make the Peace Light available.
Register on our website so others can find you.
We encourage you to do as much local promotion as you'd like.
Give your visitors a bonus
Here are some ideas if you'd like to go an extra mile...
Add a sign or banner explaining the Peace Light and its message.
Have a person nearby to help with transferring the flame from your vessel to your visitor's.
Provide fireplace matches.
Leave fliers or cards explaining the Peace Light on the table for people to take. You can make your own, or use some of our printables.
Words of Wisdom
Volunteers Don Shapley and Bonnie Kubacka of BSA's Heart of America Council in Kansas City have managed a Peace Light Hosting Site for a number of years. They share some words of wisdom with us.
Start Early!
- Start planning early enough that you can secure a venue and volunteers. September is not too soon!
Secure venue
- We partner with our local council office to provide the centralized location.
Secure volunteers
- Reach out to other organizations that would embrace the project. Our Council works with several interfaith organizations and community groups that provide collaborative efforts to promote Scouting in other areas of our community and opportunities to serve non-scouting faith communities.
- The Scouting community is our volunteer core. Start with the Council Interfaith Religious Relationships Committee.
- The Religious Emblems Coordinators of each District is another important touchpoint for volunteers.
- If the Peace Light doesn’t come directly to your location or city, you need to arrange for a volunteer to retrieve it! Make arrangements early for this important job!
- Secure volunteers to keep the flame and be available to distribute. It’s important to have 2-3 flames in pilot lights that can be a backup and gathered throughout the year for events/observances.
Create a Schedule of Events
- Plan an approximate timeline to offer the Peace Light
- Plan a Peace Light distribution ceremony. There are examples and sample scripts on the Peace Light website that can be tailored to fit your needs.
- Determine how many days and the hours the Peace Light flame will be available for volunteers/community to come gather their flame.
Map out a volunteer Flowchart
- A flowchart will help determine volunteer points of contact and where the Peace Light flame will be distributed.
- Ex: »Peace Light Coordinator/Committee
- »Council Religious Relationships Committee
- »Scouting Community: District Religious Emblems Coordinators
- »Unit Chaplains
- »Community Organization volunteers
- »Unit Chaplains
- »Scouting Community: District Religious Emblems Coordinators
- »Council Religious Relationships Committee
- Ex: »Peace Light Coordinator/Committee
- Get the word out early! Our Council is a tremendous help with social media presence. Information/announcements and fliers are also distributed at District Roundtables.
- Signage: A vinyl banner is a great investment that will advertise the Peace Light and help direct people to the distribution point.
- A local press release explaining the Peace Light project and who to contact is helpful to spread the word to community.
- Don’t forget to advertise that the Peace Light is available year-round from Keepers of the Flame for ceremonies/observances of every faith."